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.: April 2006 --> How to Write a Thank-you Note

How to Write a Thank-you Note

» Leslie Harpold: How to Write a Thank-you Note. Read it, learn it, live it. (via rc3oi)
 [ 04.07.06 ]


Rebecca, I checked out your book from the library, from 2002: The Weblog Handbook. It was just what I was looking for. It contains lots of do's and don'ts. Yes I was looking for a way to challenge myself to write about me and my family, and just to write.

I found that you had hit the nail on the head. Even tho I am a late bloomer to BLOGs, it seems like it was alive in me.



Rebecca's book is a referenced frequently by many bloggers. You're not a late bloomer either, in my opinion, it's JUST starting to take off.

I want to write a thank you letter to send with my graduation announcements. I am 58-years-old and graduating from nursing school. My friends and family have been so supportive that I want to thank them for that support when I send the announcement. I just am not sure how to word it. Any suggestions?

Hi, I wrote the article, and thought maybe I could offer a couple of suggestions for the above commentor, Sandra.

There are a couple approaches that would work, I suggest you choose whichever feels more appropriate for your situation, or even better, use them as a jumpingoff point to make the message your own.

Example 1 - "the tough trip"
I am so proud to be graduating, and wanted to know how much your support and encouragement has meant to me while in nursing school. You helped me maintain the strength and focus to keep going, even when it was difficult. I will carry your compassion in my heart and hope to draw on the lesson it taught me when caring for my patients.

If you're writing individual notes to each person (recommended), I would suggest you cite a certain time they were particularly supportive in lieu of 'even when it was difficult'. You might say something like Last year when I was struggling through my Embryology midterm, I came to your house and you made me dinner, and gave me some words of encouragement. It may have seemed a small gesture to you, but it was very soothing and well timed, and I appreciate it.

Example 2 - "they all laughed"
As you know, some people raised eyebrows when, at age 58, I decided to undertake nursing school. Fortunately, you were not one of them, and I thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement. I share the pride of my accomplishment with you, and am grateful to have friends and family who share my belief that growing older and growing as a person are not mutually exclusive. Thanks for being on my team, and trust I will always be on yours.

Example Three - "light and generic"
Thank you for your support, love and encouragement while I was in Nursing School. I am proud to announce my graduation. Without great people like you on my side, this would have been far more difficult. I am excited about my new career, and proud to share my success with people I love so dearly.

Hope those were helpful. Again, making it your own and citing specific examples is a really great way to show people you notice and appreciate the little things, and Example one is teetering on the brink of being heavy handed, so use those adjectives carefully as I find in Thank You notes as in apologies, too much contrition often appears insincere. Most of all, good luck with your new Nursing Degree and congrats on your accomplishment.

I wanted to write graduation letters to my friends and family. I have just recently graduated from high school and withoput them it wouldn't have been possible they were so supportive throughout everything.



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