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.: June 2006 --> Summer Reading List of Environmental Fiction

Summer Reading List of Environmental Fiction

» A summer reading list of environmental fiction. Plus two solar cooking cookbooks. It is my dream to someday have a solar cooker and a solar food dehrydrator. We environmentalists sure know how to have fun, don't we?
 [ 06.28.06 ]


Someday? Why not this summer? At least one of those sites you link to includes a "recipe" for a solar box cooker you could make out of cardboard boxes, newspaper, and a Reynolds oven bag. There's also a design for a cooker made from a mylar windshield reflector - you have to sew your own velcro onto the edges, find a bucket, a cake rack, a proper pot, and the oven bag. Put 'em all together and voila! Solar cooker!

But perhaps the "someday" is because you live in San Francisco? Maybe you can come over here to Oakland for the day, set up in a sunny park - how about Roberts, on Redwood Road? - and try out cookers on a picnic site. If you say you'll do it, I'll meet you with my two kids and some Mylar. I have the oven bags already...

"I have a dream that one day..." Nah! Not so uplifting.

living in texas, i have no heed for a solar cooker. with stategic placement of tin foil a closed car on a hot summer day is capable of whipping up a batch of cupcakes, a pan of lasagna or a roast chicken. there's nothing like a nice hot meal fresh out of the car-b-que!



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