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.: November 2007 --> Johnathan Goodwin's 600 horsepower 60 mpg biodiesel electric-hybrid Humvee

Johnathan Goodwin's 600 horsepower 60 mpg biodiesel electric-hybrid Humvee

» Fast Company: Johnathan Goodwin can get 100 mpg out of a Lincoln Continental, cut emissions by 80%, and double the horsepower. Does the car business have the guts to follow him?
The numbers are simple: With a $5,000 bolt-on kit he co-engineered--the poor man's version of a Goodwin conversion--[Goodwin] can immediately transform any diesel vehicle to burn 50% less fuel and produce 80% fewer emissions. On a full-size gas-guzzler, he figures the kit earns its money back in about a year--or, on a regular car, two--while hitting an emissions target from the outset that's more stringent than any regulation we're likely to see in our lifetime. [...]
As he points out, his conversions consist almost entirely of taking stock GM parts and snapping them together in clever new ways. "They could do all this stuff if they wanted to," he tells me, slapping on a visor and hunching over an arc welder. "The technology has been there forever. They make 90% of the components I use."

Just awesome. You know you want a 600 horsepower 60 mpg biodiesel electric-hybrid Humvee. (thanks, Andrew!)

 [ 11.01.07 ]



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